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Old 03-28-2018, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by KyleSS View Post
Ok, this back and forth has gone on long enough and nothing is going to be solved. It is very clear that everyone has their mind made up and there is no swaying them one way or another on the issue of "should a crossbow be allowed in an archery season".

The ABA is the voice of bowhunters in Alberta and that is a fact. You may or may not agree with what they stand for; that is all personal.

If you don't like it, then join up and go to the meetings to make your voice heard. If you do like it then join up, be engaged, and add value where you can.

Complaining on an internet forum isn't going to change anything and if you sit there and do nothing then in my opinion you do not have the right to complain.

This is no different than those who complain about the government but don't bother to vote.
The ABA is not the voice for all bow hunters in Alberta. They are an association which speaks on behalf of their members. There are many bow hunters not associated with this association and yes that is all personal. Using a forum to engage in conversation is all part of the forum in which periodically we get a good education, perspectives which we may or may not have nor would have if not for the forum. This chat gives the OP a good perspective on the ABA, the people involved and the people not involved....and the MODS will determine when enough is enough as they have done many times in the past and will in the future too.

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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