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Old 04-15-2018, 09:37 PM
pistolero1860 pistolero1860 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 40

Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
I don't know anyone who wants higher prices for anything. I advocate for reasonable profit. I state supply and demand economics help achieve that.

I do not support unfairly bashing any industry whether fast food, oil and gas, farming, construction, manufacturing, etc.

There are lots of people spouting trash with absolution get no grounding in fact. Spreading bogus theories. Stating lies or misinformation as fact.

Some people seem to think a litre of oil gets pumped from the ground and then sent to a gasoline pump to buy.

Some People have no clue apparently as to the costs to find and produce a bbl of oil. No clue as to how it gets transported from a well to a refinery. No clue how it gets refined. No clue as to how that refined product gets shipped to a station to retail. No clue how much it costs to run a gas station.

If it wasn't for store sales gasoline would cost way more because the competition is so high it is hard to live on gasoline profit margins.

YOU can't find one oil company making unfair return of investment to warrant any price bashing.

Challenge once again served only to once again be ignored to join the whining.
You say that you do not advocate for increasing prices for gasoline.
Yet, you then accuse other members who also take exception to increasing gas prices of spouting trash, spreading bogus theories, and stating lies and spreading disinformation. And describing any who disagrees as "whining".

All of this in fact to actually endorse increasing gasoline prices.

You then further justify increasing gas prices by suggesting that the increase in gas prices is due to production, refining, and transportation costs, and how much it costs to run a gas station. This, even though, from what I have heard, the present increase in gas prices has been claimed to be because of a temporary refinery closure.

Your bemoaning of the hardships of gas station owners and your passionate defense of them sounds very much like you own gas stations(s) or otherwise do have a vested financial interest in having gas prices increase.

Do you own gas station(s)?
Do you have a vested financial interest in having gas prices increase?
Are you involved in oil production yourself?

I really can't understand why you would so adamantly support rising gas prices unless you do.

Last edited by pistolero1860; 04-15-2018 at 09:47 PM.