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Old 04-15-2018, 09:56 PM
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CBintheNorth CBintheNorth is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Or better yet. Everything free. No matter what your job or education everyone gets the sane pay. Isn't life grand.
Who said, inferred, or implied that Marxism is what everyone is after? Who in this thread has even hinted at wanting free gas??
In case you weren't already aware of this, sarcasm seriously degrades the validity of your responses and arguments.

To answer your previous request for a link:

And price fixing is very real and does happen in good 'ol Canada.

Actually, here's a whole slew of CONVICTIONS for price fixing:
(For some reason I can only get the link for Quebec convictions to paste properly). All convictions can be seen on the website.

Although a couple of years old, this article gets my point across fairly well and only rings truer today.

And before you call me a communist, my reference to 'private companies' wasn't specifying oil companies, I was implying that crown corporations shouldn't be targeting a profit. Private isn't even in the same world.

Should O&G companies be able to make 5-10% profit? Sure.
Should they be able to subsidize that same profit with a necessity of life which they also control? Not in my opinion. But nor do I believe they should take a loss either. Balance is key. $45 oil and $1.26 gas is the largest spread I can ever recall.

And my statement about Supply and Demand is very valid. Canadian consumption has stayed relatively steady over the last several years at 40-42B litres/yr.
If you can show me a chart which directly shows consumption locked to price I'd love to see it.
I looked. Can't find one.
And anyone that does work in O&G (hate to burst your bubble, but I do) knows that refineries ramp up production prior to all scheduled shut-downs so that supply shortages are avoided and their competition doesn't gain market share. Hence the pressure to be back up on schedule. The "there's a shut down going on right now" excuse only works on sheeple.
Unplanned shut-downs are a different story and very rare.
Anyway, different views are a good thing. Keeps things interesting.