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Old 04-16-2018, 10:51 PM
Salavee Salavee is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Parkland County, AB
Posts: 4,258

Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
It’s a desperate attempt to stop the inclusion of crossbows.

It appears that may be so .. not sure, but for whatever reason I believe it will backfire.
The whole system is so out of whack I don't see any recovery... and we keep adding to it.
At one time, kids entered the hunting fraternity by apprenticeship, more or less. Draws were unheard of, and usually the first animal or two taken was on a parents or mentors tag, or on the sly. Now, in far too many cases, the young ones qualify for a draw when they reach the age req'd for a WIN card and immediately enter the draw system, So does Mom and possibly Gramma and Gramps as well. Many families now qualify to take multiple Game animals every season .. maybe a dozen or so in many cases and some wonder what the problem is with the increasingly longer wait times. There it is. Of course, they are legally entitled to do so and so it goes. This applies right across the board, not just Archery. Individual restraint ? Not too common these days while the term "fill my freezer' is so common it's disgusting. Those days have been gone for decades.
The problems are obvious but the willingness ,by far too many individuals, to show some restraint, is lacking. The chance of the system correcting itself is nil. It's back to the individual participants, not organizations to sort themselves out as I see it. For me, I've had my time of over six decades to participate in some of the finest hunting opportunities Western Canada had to offer, or ever will, so for all intents and purposes, I'm out. What I fear for are the rapidly diminishing opportunities remaining for all the young ones out there. I know what they will be missing. What tool they would prefer to use won't really matter.
When applied by competent people with the right intent, common sense goes a long way.
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