Thread: Off-brand lures
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Old 08-27-2009, 08:58 AM
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DarkAisling DarkAisling is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Well, I was wrong. Those plugs I posted the pick of aren't Canadian Wigglers. They're manufactured by a lure company in Kelowna, which is apparently still in business but is pretty low-key. My MIL can't remember the exact name, so I'll refrain from posting it.

Those $1 spoons might be worth checking out for the kids I fish with. I don't normally buy from dollar stores, as I'm very suspicious of the manufacturing practices involved in producing items for that cheap, but it is hard to pass of a Red Devil for a dollar!

My MIL's tackle was full of stuff that sounds like it fits the description of Geezle's grandmothers tackle box . . . with the plugs I posted the picture of being the rare exception. The rod my MIL gave us was "junk" too. According to the stories we hear, it certainly didn't limit her in her fishing.

Maybe there's something to the saying that the size of an angler's tackle box is an inverse relationship with the skill of the angler? If these seasoned ladies can catch their limits on what appears to be junk (for the most part), maybe we just need to improve our skills and buy the cheap stuff.

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