Thread: Wadding Boots
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Old 04-22-2018, 05:53 AM
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jgib01 jgib01 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Kipp's Crossing
Posts: 182

I've used a cheapo "no-name" set, a pair of Patagonias, and now Redington Prowlers.
My first set I bought from Canadian Tire on a whim before I decided I was going to get serious about this fly fishing thing-- they were inexpensive, performed poorly on rough terrain, and didn't last long. However, they served their purpose, in that they got me on the water, and were comfortable and light (so much so that I bought another pair last year to use when I'm on my float tube). The Patagonias are a now discontinued model (Rockgrips or something of the sort); they served me well for a couple of seasons. I have a very wide foot, and though these fit OK, I have never found another pair of Pats that fit. Last year, early season, I bought the Redington Prowlers. They are super comfortable, are great for walking and keep me sure-footed in the water, and are seeming built very well. I hope to get at least a couple more years out of them, as they are currently showing zero signs of any wear and tear. I also recently bought the Simms Intruders for salt; Simms stuff gets rave reviews and seems very well built, but I have some fit issues with their regular boots.
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