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Old 04-28-2018, 08:52 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Calgary Perchdance
Posts: 19,285

Just slayed the perch last night. It seems our high harvest in the corner is allowing a fair number of 7 incher, some 8 inchers and even a few as big as 9. Bigger ones mostly fat females.

Seeing quite a few brookies and rainbows with more browns.

The trout seem to like eating raw perch McNuggets.

They appear to be growing on this diet. Just hope they are being taste trained to go after the biggies.

If anyone wants buckets of perch...hundreds of pounds worth...I will be setting up a seine netting event right after ice out. Could be this coming weekend or next. Ice is very close to going off. Another warm day with wind could do it.

Need a guys with sandals (not afraid of the cold) or hip waders. Need lots of fine mesh dip nets. May need to make a run to bass pro.

The net is 150 feet long by 14 feet high and 1/4 inch mesh. It gets laid parallel to shore with ropes on both ends. Ropes get pull to shore and everything gets scooped along. Some trout will go up and over. Once to shore the fish will ge concentrated in the water. Each scoop has perch going into tubs and buckets. Trout returned to the lake. Then repeat.

I expect 1000-10,000 perch per pull.
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