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Old 05-17-2018, 01:48 PM
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whiskeywillow whiskeywillow is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 160

I think the rash reality of these type of instances involving coyotes, black bears, cougars, grizzly's, etc etc will only be on the rise from here on out. Especially given the continued push [against] hunting, trapping and any sort of management. Saying so to this-group (of you fellas) is no doubt preaching to the choir on understanding that, I know, but it's a plain-fact that General society is of lesser & lesser support for "us" and more instead for the animals. Somehow none of that opposing group considers the consequences til it's too late, and headlines like this one start being printed.

In my opinion, it needs to be brought to broader knowledge the importance of the role trappers & hunters have. Greater presence-of, and a wider acceptance toward hunters & trappers (& what they rightfully do) would without question mitigate at least some of these human/wildlife conflicts through population management by a "checks & balance" approach. I sincerely do believe that. Proper handling of such conflicts absolutely does-not come through the "ban-hunting & outlaw trappers" mentality that's been polluting the general publics opinion recently. (true abroad, and especially so in BC the last while!)
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