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Old 05-20-2018, 09:14 PM
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brendan's dad brendan's dad is offline
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From the numerous reports there was very little to no indicators and the parents and many others are in complete shock. He 17 years old. I am fairly sure at 17 he would have known how to access his father firearms. This knowledge may have been from going shooting or hunting with his Dad in the past. My Son is 10 and he is often in my gun room when I am doing reloading or working on my bows. He knows where my guns are and if he was 17, and had a little time and some of my tools, he could definitely get into my safes. He doesn't know combinations or key location and I feel I am very safe with the storage of my firearms.

I think this incident is quite different than Florida as Cruz had an extensive history and there possibly was some inaction by law enforcement prior and during the shooting. In this incident the shooter planned to die, by his own hand or police, but chickened out at the end. If a person is willing die and decides to go on a shooting rampage, there is little that can be done but to respond and try to stop him as quickly as possible.

Again a very tragic incident and from the information I have heard/read, I believe there would have been very little that could have been done prior to prevent it. Kudos to the brave law enforcement that confronted and stopped the shooter.
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