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Old 05-27-2018, 04:21 PM
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Red Bullets Red Bullets is offline
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Originally Posted by Etownpaul View Post
Thanks for the info. I’ll bring my ultra light set up with me next time and see if I can snag a few.
A 2 or 3 lb. rocky in the current has strong shoulders. 4 lb. line would be a real challenge.

The river can be bad for snags in different areas but bouncing the current will produce rockies. Rockies like the current, that's probably why they aren't caught as much. Most fishermen are fishing eddies and back water holes.

A 3 way swivel 8 inches from bottom with a long pencil weight at the bottom then trail the white fly or maggots 1 or 2 feet off of the 3 way swivel. Bottom bounce where there is enough current to bounce the rig along. Keep the line tight to feel the bite. Rockies have a light bite. If using maggots only use 2 maggots on a size 10 hook.
This country was started by voyagers whose young lives were swept away by the currents of the rivers for ten cents a day... just for the vanity of the European's beaver hats. ~ Red Bullets
It is when you walk alone in nature that you discover your strengths and weaknesses. ~ Red Bullets
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