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Old 08-31-2009, 06:01 AM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Southern Alberta
Posts: 7,350

The absolute best thing to do is avoid 30+ feet of water.

"Wasnt this a post about travers and not a political debate???seriously, grow up and post about the actual subject... "

My posts are related to what was said in the OP. What is with the grow up comment?

"for the last I don't 40-50 years probably more people have been fishing in depths of more than 30 ft and has it really hurt the fisheries no I don't think so harvesting of fish does more damage then the rubbish you keep babbling about"

Get real, past practice doesnt make it right now, does it. And Jesse you still have not answered my question.

And "has it really hurt the fisheries" Yes it has.