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Old 08-31-2009, 08:44 PM
munyee4321 munyee4321 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 979

Originally Posted by uglyelk View Post
I have not read this whole tread yet , but still feel the need to chime in. I will eventually read all 17 pages.

Think I'll have to disagree mate.

What about folks who may have joint damage or disease, should they stop bow hunting because they can no longer hold a full draw? You want to relegate us old geesers to rifle only season? Thank's but no thanks. Besides the colder it gets the tougher it is for the arthritic folks. They should hunt early because they hardly function in the cold.

I'll hunt when the law will allow me too. What makes you so friggin special that you get exclusive rights on the early season.

I'm entitled to a bow permit because my elbows are shot, full of bone chips and arthritis. I can hold a full draw, but then the next week I'm pretty much screwed because of all the pain and swelling in my elbows. I can hardly manage to drive my truck, makes working kind of tough. That's not going to stop me however. I'm planning to get fitted with a bow. And when my body shuts down because of a day of hunting or a day of practice, I'll take the cross bow out!

I lost most of rifle season last year because the arthritis moved into my eyes. I could not see the end of my rifle barrel and spent the month of November sitting in a dark room because the sun was definetly something to be feared.

I can see fine now but the elbows are gone for ever. So I expect I'll be doing lots of cross bow hunting and my son will suddenly own a compound bow.

Zonker If you run into an old guy with no hair hunting with a cross bow in 412this year please let him know who you are and that you believe he has no right to hunt this season. Good chance it might be me. If so I'll leave the bow in the tree stand and come down and sort you out on the ground. You'd be surprised just what these folks are capable of who can't hold a full draw.

Dude we got enough issues with the anti crowd without other hunters trying to grab out rights as well. Give your head as shake. I suspect your some Johnny come lately and I was harvesting game long before you were a glint in your papas eye. But remember this, if everyone is against us, why do you need to be too?

In a few years when I get a quad permit to go where and when I wish because I'm maybe not getting around like I use too, I suspect there may be some other zonker types out their who may wish to question my right to do so. I have two words for you, one starts with an f and the other on ends in an f. Gentlemen I will hunt within the law for as long as I am capable. And it is of no concern of yours.

As long as we as a community bicker amoung each other the anti's will take the remainder of our rights. Time we pulled together instead of this eletist bs I see all of the time. We are not the enemy. Stop fighting your own army.

End of rant!

Just a note, if one suffers from such unfortunate problems and cannot hold a bow at full draw. A special permit can be obtained for the use of x-bows in the archery season, head to your local F&W and let them know of your situation and it will be up to them to decide if you qualify for a permit.
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