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Old 07-22-2018, 11:00 AM
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bessiedog bessiedog is offline
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Fraser institute ...........

Is this the part where we challenge sources..... you accuse statscan of being lefty biased and I accuse you of using an admitted right wing think tank as your biased source...?

And then we retreat into our own worlds ..?

Cause my stats says your stats are kinda out ta lunch ....

Oh... and your ‘don’t tax the corporations cause they make us good’ theory was kinda disproven a couple times....

1. Industrial Revolution England...... the Factory Acts didn’t create themselves.
2. The Industrial Revolution USA..... look up ‘RobberBarons’
3. Reaganomics and that whole ‘Trickle Down economics’ thing..... which is kinda like feudalism.... sorta.... kinda.... an that wuz fun.

Oh! oh!... ever heard of the Family Compact....? Still goin in if you ask me.


80% of wealth held by 10% of Canadians. Ole Fraser boys admit to 70% for 25 or 30.
5 Canadians have more wealth than 30% of Canadians.

There’s room for some sharing methinks.
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Last edited by bessiedog; 07-22-2018 at 11:17 AM.
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