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Old 08-08-2018, 09:50 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by MountainTi View Post
And from that statement you got 600 NE out of it? Kinda grasping at straws ain't ya kurt?
Think what he is saying is shoot what you are comfortable with, and shoot well. If that's a .378 wby...fantastic. If all you can handle and shoot effectively is a 6.5 needmore, so be it.
I know I sure wouldn't be comfortable with a 600 NE, not many would be
Well I figure I'm only 225lbs and can handle a 338-378 with no problems, surely the big guys here could handle the 600 nitro???

As with all the cartridge/caliber threads there's a lot of talk with only bits of facts, and a whole lot of denial. When guys who have actual experience speak up and lay out the facts have guys who have no expirience argue the facts, one of the two guys look pretty foolish.