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Old 09-06-2018, 11:37 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Brandonkop View Post
I love sockeye. I prefer it to all the other salmon. I think my taste buds are programmed different than yours though. For me I'd probably rank them Sockeye -> Chinook -> Coho and i don't really eat pinks and chum. Not really a fan of them.

Fishing on the salt is way better than the Gong show on the river. They're all just flossing sockeye anyways since they don't bite in the river. The river fishery closed and the last day was Tuesday. I went for my first time down to the river after work on Tuesday just to see what it was about and bounce a ball. Not my cup of tea at all. I'm not into involuntary snagging of fish when I can actually catch them out on the saltwater and way fresher fish then the ones I was seeing caught.

For now the Ocean fishery remains open but guys are guessing DFO will close it any day since they already shut the river down since no longer able to sustain a fishery. Guys are still getting limits out on the ocean. Just not as many people out there as you find on the river.

The river gong show really turned me off. I won't be doing that again.

Apparently they projected 13 million and now they corrected their forecast to more like 7 million fish because it doesn't seem the late summer run is as good as the early and mid summer run.

Here's an underwater video I got sockeye fishing
I think that would be fun catching them on the ocean and likely makes a difference flavor wise. Good video! Takes a bit for the eyes to adjust at what you are seeing but very cool to see the sockeye keep trying and then get hooked up
Thanks for that.

I hear you on snagging. There are areas in Alaska were the locals can do that (I think) plus dip netting. Not my cup of tea either. I definitely understand why you would prefer ocean fishing versus river fishing.

That said, give the river another thought. There are plenty of spots around Terrace that offer the opportunity to experience solitude and fantastic river fishing. It is a pleasure to put all the gear away and get into simple fly casting for turbo charged salmon...with decent current. It is a blast!

All mine have been caught in the lips. I watched in Alaska as a big female chased my fly up in the water column and grabbed it. So not all sockeye seem to have the final death wish and egg release on their minds
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