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Old 09-12-2018, 10:59 PM
mattthegorby mattthegorby is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 735

Originally Posted by Mountain Guy View Post
NO down side to smoking in public??
How is there anything courteous to smoking it in public.
One spark up within 100m of me and I can smell it.
I find it repulsive and have a big issue with any use that causes someone to have to smell it.
I find it ironic that there's argument to letting it be smoked in public yet you can't drink a beer in public. Last I smelt... beer does give off a repulsive odor that others have to breath in.
Same applies to cigarettes for that matter.
Well... I have no problem personally with a couple guys enjoying some beers in the park. I do feel there should be bylaws limiting public intoxication though as that can result in violent and disrespectful behavior.

We all have different tolerances for different behaviors. I hate cigarette smoking and have never been a smoker, but I want smokers to have the freedom to suck on a cig. This is how I feel about pot as well.

My neighbors smoke pot all the time, I smell it every now and then and could care less. They also never complain when I am making noise in my garage in the evenings or my dogs bark at squirrels.
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