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Old 09-23-2018, 05:30 PM
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just_dave just_dave is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
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I hope it has a huge impact on the opiod crisis. There is no reason that a person suffering from the addiction of these deadly drugs can't fight the addiction with cannabis. Cannabis will be the choice over the current poison they hand out now. Cannabis is a safe alternative and will have so many future uses that the majority of people will be using it for it's benefits one way or the other. Remember, cannabis was medicine for thousands of years until it cut into someone else's profits and made illegal. Hemp was the target of that campaign to make it illegal. One of the dumbest moves in history.

I've invested in promising companies because I believe in it's value.

It's way past time for cannabis to be made accessible for all of it's uses.

I personally don't use it now but I know I will in the future. Because though I live in pain from my spinal cord injury, I refuse to use painkillers. There will be plenty of options with cannabis that will take the edge off without any side effect.
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