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Old 10-11-2018, 11:34 PM
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Camdec Camdec is offline
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Default News article on coyote attack

I recall when this unfortunate attack happened in Cape Breton. I thought the 5th Estate had an article on it, but couldn't find it. This was a clip from CTV. It was a very unfortunate situation, but certainly involved pack tendencies that we don't see as much out west.
I can only imagine that its a tricky political situation. On one side you have the "wolf lovers" that pay money in Yellowstone to hear the howl. On the other side we are dealing with some serious ungulate declines in localized areas due to coyote/wolf predation.
I just hope the biologists due their job aside from political and emotional influences. The general public do not see the entirety of god awful videos on youtube of coyote/wolf predation in action. If they did it may sway opinion.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to a great trapping season that includes taking a few of both predators out of the managed ecosystem.
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