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Old 10-14-2018, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by MK2750 View Post
Came across some ACA that has signs saying that the use of firearms is strictly prohibited and it is for bow hunting only.

I found this strange as there is no obvious reason for this restriction.

Has anyone else found land like this and if so was a reason given for restriction to bows only?

Does the ACA even have the authority to make law for certain areas or restrict access to certain groups without reason?

If this is okay can we soon expect fly fishing only on some waters and other elitist intrusion to our enjoyment of ACA land?

I am not a bow hunter and do not appreciate being restricted from land that I have contributed to the purchase of. I have nothing against bow hunting but do not feel in any way that they are "fairer" or "more ethical" in their pursuit of game. In fact I believe an argument to the contrary is more logical and that bow hunters already enjoy enough preferential treatment with their early seasons and access to tags.

It would be very interesting to see what a person could be charged with if they ventured on to this land with a firearm. A person certainly wouldn't be trespassing or breaking any game laws.

What is the groups thoughts on this?

I took the time to read the entire thread, and what I find ironic is that you have been asked no less than 4 times what ACA you are referring to. Why is this ironic?????? Because your whole grip is the fact is you don't have access to this area for rifle hunting, yet when several people have asked you for the site info you have no desire to share. Who is the entitled one now?
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