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Old 11-09-2018, 04:57 PM
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huntinstuff huntinstuff is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Edmonton Alberta
Posts: 9,666

We assisted on a search warrant one day on a meth lab.
I got my gear ready and realized that my best vantage point was a garage roof about 80m away.

So I knock at the door in my black uniform, Armalite 180 dangling across my chest, and this old lady answers.
“Maam, we have an issue with a place close by. May I please get up onto your garage so I can see better? She is agreeable.

I get up there and its near perfect. Bipod and rifle down, binocs out for a quick scout, then its all looking down the barrel time.

EMS shows. Hazmat shows. They park a couple blocks away but theyre close.

I see a Sgt with a guy in handcuffs in a yard 2 houses away. The Sgt looks at me and waves. I raise my left hand and this handcuffed guy starts screaming and crying. Im wondering what the issue is and i note my earpiece has pulled out of my radio. I plug in and get told that Sgt told this creep i was gonna nuke him if any firemen or EMS got hurt. The guy was a bit high and tweaky.

I am concentrating on the target location but I hear something behind me and there stands the old lady, fully upright standing on the roof of the garage, holding a silver tray with tea and cookies for me. No idea how the hell she managed to get up there, let alone balance a tray with tea on it........but i couldnt engage with her in case something went down at the target address. I had to ignore her. So i radioed and one of my guys had a fireman help her down, tray and all.

She and I had tea and cookies afterwards. And i installed a motion light at her back door. Lol

Last edited by huntinstuff; 11-09-2018 at 05:06 PM.
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