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Old 11-19-2018, 09:41 AM
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ghostguy6 ghostguy6 is offline
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First of all I'm sorry to hear about your daughters injuries and I hope she makes a full recovery.
It sounds like the case is pretty cut and dry as who's at fault so at least she wont have to deal with that crap. Was the other driver charged for driving drunk and leaving the scene of an accident? If so that will make things much quicker on the insurance end and the police report will go a long ways in her favor should she pursue legal action. Depending on her policy she may be entitled to a rental car while they sort out the mess.
Biggest thing at this point is to make sure she gets proper medical attention. If she was checked out at the ER also have her schedule a check up from her family doctor and ask for a copy of doctors report. Do not skip any follow up visits. If she needs physio then do it. If the insurance company recommends a certain doctor, see that one as well but also get a second opinion and document everything. Keep receipts for bandages, pain killers and anything related to the accident. If she need to take a cab while shes injured keep those receipts as well, missed work then keep track of hours. If its the same insurance company they will try to settle this as cheaply and quickly as they can from their perspective which may not result in the best care for your daughter.

I cant really give you advice on which lawyer to call but I would find one that does the free consult and take it from there. Of course the lawyer will push to file some legal actions but hopefully they can give you some honest advice as to how best proceed.
" Everything in life that I enjoy is either illegal, immoral, fattening or causes cancer!"

"The problem was this little thing called the government and laws."
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