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Old 11-25-2018, 07:54 PM
dshaw dshaw is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 834

Originally Posted by bitterrootfly View Post
That’s not as bad as I thought it would be, I’d love to hear from people who have experience with the castle discharge permits for reference. Still a little worrying to me that we are at the point where instead of gaining opportunities we are consistently losing them for one reason or another.
The discharge permit is really easy, download it, sign it, carry it with you at all times. Its all the other stupid little rules that come with these "parks" that make it not as user friendly. Can't site in a rifle, can't collect firewood (been doing it for years and can't anymore), can't random camp, etc. This really has nothing to do with the environment. They spend millions of dollars to create these parks when all they need to do is have designated trails, hire more officers to actually patrol and hand out higher penalties and fines. I agree the lands are being abused in parts (even castle) but closing everything off is not the way to go about this. They promised there would be designated trails that would remain open but as soon as it passed and they came out wit more rules we lost almost all the designated trails (90-95%). But i guess its just easier to keep people out.
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