Thread: Creedmoor
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Old 11-26-2018, 07:45 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is online now
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Originally Posted by sns2 View Post
You fail to follow my training. Of thought. You keep saying it's all marketing, so I asked our ads. You don't show any ads, but say they send rifles to writers. I said, they did the exact same thing for other new cartridges I list.

The CM is chambered in those rifles because the round makes sense for those platforms AND hunting rifles. The other new cartridges I listed obviously don't.

Why can't you just admit that it is a good round that has wide commercial appeal?

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Marketing is not just advertising, it's making the product appealing to a certain market segment. And since the cartridge was designed specifically for those platforms, of course it works well in those platforms. So offering the chambering in those platforms, makes it attractive to the people that like those platforms, and those people are a huge part of the current firearms market. And since it is so popular with that market segment, it has spilled over to the hunting rifle market. Many people that would like one of those high dollar platforms can't afford them, so they buy a regular rifle in the same clambering. As far as standard bolt action rifles go, if you use regular hunting bullets, instead of the high B.C. long range bullets, the Creedmoor offers no real advantage over the 260rem. Yes it's a good cartridge, but for the average hunter, that isn't trying to shoot past 500 yards, it really doesn't offer any improvement over the 260 rem, and unless you are hung up on a short action, the 6.5x55, still outperforms it slightly with modern hand loads. In fact, purchasing a Tikka T-3 in this cartridge makes no sense for a handloader, because the action length is the same as for the 6.5x55. As was posted before, a deer won't know if it was killed with a 6.5 Creedmoor, or a 260 Rem. The bottom line, is that contrary to what some people believe, there is nothing magic about the Creedmoor. My Sako and my Tikka in 6.5x55 both shot 1/2moa with my hand loads, and will do anything that the Creedmoor will do for the hand loading hunter.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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