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Old 11-26-2018, 10:18 PM
pikeman06 pikeman06 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,614

Must say very very impressed with the smooth transition from illegal to legal. Didn't give the media anything to dwell on. Just goes to show that responsible use has been going on for years and the sun didn't suddenly fall from the sky October 17th and the whole world collapse. Big hairy deal if the shops have no stock. Nobody is whining except the guys that didn't have their shop open day one. Buisness as usual in the trailer park. Much rather support my out of work oil patch buddy getting screwed around by workman's compensation that would give his shirt off his back for you and me and put his ass on the line to get a guy a sack for cost basically then our wonderful government charging 3 times the going rate for a zip they can't even supply and doing their best to make us their poor taxed to death slaves. Look at how b.c handled it. One store..Very strong message there. Slap yourselves on the back people, very well played.
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