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Old 12-05-2018, 12:39 PM
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DeadEyeGardner DeadEyeGardner is offline
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Location: Edmonton Ab
Posts: 384

Originally Posted by Ghenn96 View Post
No point in getting out of your truck unless your hunting in the Annex, you could walk for miles then a truck just drives right by ya and all the progress you made is for nothing. The only success you are going to have is in the truck. I’m pretty confident in that.

Being on foot and having others push the animals around for you in their trucks... has brought its very own high level of success to a lot of us. I agree the annex is the place to walk. But that shouldn’t completely discredit the fact you can shoot animals on foot on the west side of base. If all you do is drive and shoot animals then that explains your perfect record for only shooting things from driving around. But there’s lots people who will be successful on foot, and I’m very confident in that lol.
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