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Old 12-06-2018, 04:25 PM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 1,827

Very interesting read, it takes some form of energy to make something occur.

Is it true that energy is not gained or lost,,, but might be changed from one form to another.

Not sure if I worded this right.

My example might be :

A bullet hits a critter, some of the energy goes towards opening up the bullet, heat and the depletion of velocities as the bullet comes to rest.

Only at that point is the end of energy transfer,,, of course the critter contains the shock wave of some of this impact and purhaps other things that we don't see with our eyes.

Don't know as its still some what Intresting stuff.

My next question is :

If energy does play a role between 2 different objects,,, what would come into play that might make the differences