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Old 12-07-2018, 09:55 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by 41thunder View Post
Why don’t you just simmer down a touch and give the attitude a rest for a little while.
Serenity now serenity now
Wooosaaa woosssaaaass
Not everyone is your enemy. It’s just a bullet. And no one is forcing you to buy anything.
I like to discuss all things outdoors, I’m an easy going guy who likes to joke around. If you want to argue a point of view? That’s fine, but I get a little upset when guys make things up. I don’t like is when someone has nothing to add to the conversation, they just pop in to instigate things. You have jumped on a couple threads now just to pick it with me, and in both cases you’ve had nothing to add to the conversation, just to the argument.

Got any pics you care to share?