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Old 12-09-2018, 09:05 PM
pikeman06 pikeman06 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,614

If they put a bait ban on any of their "world class" walleye fisheries the walleyes would starve to death. All they got to eat is frozen minnows and maybe the odd dew worm or leech laying on the bottom of the community hole. Sad state of affairs to say the least. I've ranted and whined enough about it...another alberta boy who has seen the demise of our quality fisheries over the last 40+ years. The pike situation in sylvan buck and gull is the worst. Nice gene pool with large faster growing pike that kept the place in order. They let us take 3 breeders a day for way too long. I wonder how they explain their logic behind that now that they went to a zero limit. Imagine if those big pike had been protected for this long with a 1 or 2 under 70cm limit for those that want a fish to eat. You would still have all those big girls doing their thing every spring. They aren't gonna stock any pike or perch so it's gonna take forever for these once prolific lakes with a good variety of species to get back on their feet if ever. Brutal.
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