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Old 12-12-2018, 04:59 PM
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abhunter8 abhunter8 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Drayton Valley, AB
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Originally Posted by Smokinyotes View Post
What little integrity APOS had they have completely lost allowing scum of the Earth to even be a member never mind in an elected position.
I agree. I don't know how he is allowed to have anything to do with hunting in Alberta or anywhere for that matter. I can't believe some landowner hasn't taken him out already. lol

I have guided a few Americans who had hunted with him in the past and were offered to go shoot deer from a helicopter. These hunters had integrity and refused. I also had 2 run ins with him about 20 years ago. First was on property around Elk Point that he didn't have permission on but my friend and I had permission. He had organized a massive deer push/drive on this property without permission and my buddy and I were sitting watching one morning when 1,2,3 then about a dozen hunters come walking towards us from all directions. We approached to talk to and they all hurriedly headed to the road and jumped in 3 trucks and took off quickly. I recognized him and his truck from him running me off the road a week earlier in the Rannach grazing reserve. I moved from the area before the next season and didn't go back there to hunt, which is probably a good thing because I would not have been getting out of the way next time! lol
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