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Old 12-17-2018, 08:54 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 4,461

Hey Zip, I was in that group of 4 tents pictured above. We came to get burbs over whites. All I got was a small pike and walleye. Saw one agressive white and that was it for those. Did see some burbs but accidentally bonked the one on the head I should have had. Oh well, that's fishing.

The group we were fishing with also measured a solid 9 inches. B U T, where we were it struggled to get to 6 inches. Most spots I checked further out were closer to 6 inches as well. Lots of variation in thickness as this is still early ice. And, the ice is pretty crappy as well. I hope we do not see to many going through this holiday season. This is the least amount of ice I've seen or recall.

Also, every hold flooded so some big sections now have a good deal of flood water, about 2-3 inches worth.
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