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Old 12-19-2018, 08:46 AM
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Torkdiesel Torkdiesel is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by bill9044 View Post
I'm a resident trapper and I knew about the fisher program. I can't even legally trap fisher Also I'm on the prairies no fisher around here. All the folks on here that are whining about a conspiracy and buddy system volunteer get on the board and change it. Was anyone at the rendezvous who was at the AGM? Unless you want to get involved it's up to you to be informed. I don't like the No notification on my vehicle registration is up but it's up to me to stay on top of it. I'll still get a ticket even if I tell the cop.... Well I wasn't informed

I wasn’t really implying there was a conspiracy and buddy system going on, more just asking a couple questions. Which I’ve now been told to attend the AGM or Rendezvous if I really want to know what’s going on.
Like Rich, my schedule is a little hectic at times. I am a member of quite a few other organizations and most others do fairly well at ensuring their members continue to be members. Actually it’s generally their number one mission year to year. At the very least an email once a year to actual RFMA holders to say, don’t forget to renew your membership?
I don’t know, maybe I expect too much
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