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Old 12-20-2018, 06:58 PM
pikeman06 pikeman06 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,614

Another interesting fact. If a mature perch is stunted and you remove it from the stunted waters and put it into a different environment with food aplenty it will not grow like you think it would, but if you take an immature perch say a 3 incher or so from the stunted waters and give it feed it will balloon into a football as it grows. We tried it when we were kids up in bonnyville in grampas cattle dugout. (We didn't know it was illegal...this was 30 years ago and we were 7 years old so settle down). The stunted adults still had the sunken belly and big head but the small fries turned into jumbos alot quicker than you would think. Why not net the immature ones in these stunted populations and put them in the lakes that grow big perch.? Not you and me of course our impeccable fisheries staff would have to get off their buts and actually work for a living to improve our depleted and mismanaged perch waters. Food for thought.
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