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Old 12-21-2018, 11:02 AM
nube nube is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf View Post
Guys, the wolf program is not something to blast to the 4 winds. Bounty is not the best thing to advertise to the PETA types. Nube you were very successful with wolves last year with lot of hard work, however all the rant on AO, probably justified, believe put you out to left field.
Possibly, but I can bet when you finally get a guy that has had enough and launches a lawsuit over something you think is small it could be even worse! Don't think it won't happen because people do crazy things.
And the other thing that bugs me is how we put our heads in the sand to hide things! When are we going to be proud of the trapping we do? Trapping predators is hugely needed in this province right now. The ones that find it socialy unaceptable just won't understand no matter what and we need to educate people. Do we want moose and caribou to get wiped out or do we want to help out? People need to make a choice and stop thinking things will be fine if we don't get involved.

As for Tork's comments ......Spot on ! Lots of ways to get info out. I have let my membership slip many times because I didn't know I was over due. I would bet if you even had people share more of their experience on facebook and other places there would be more people interested in getting a license and try trapping
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