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Old 12-21-2018, 01:13 PM
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Wolftrapper Wolftrapper is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 952

This thread like so many others eventually brings out the same thing with the same people.
The few complainers complain, the few negative stay negative, the few with excuses continue to have excuses. The couple that require the need to be noticed, will continue to require to be noticed.

Fortunately there are still a lot of positive, appreciative trappers. They get things done without any fanfare. Go figure.
The two old timers I would personally consider the best in the business, don't have a computer. Go figure.
Somehow they still contribute in many countless, thankless ways. Go figure.
Yes one is involved in this program. Go figure that. When I see him on Boxing Day, I will have to ask the old buggar if he's telepathic or something.
Like he has a thousand times before, I'm sure he will give me that "what the heck you talking about now" look.

Thank you and Merry Christmas to all that get things done behind the scenes.
Keep safe out there and keep on keeping on. You are appreciated.
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