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Old 12-27-2018, 11:45 AM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 6,953

I think the record book should recognize the animal taken in fair chase, but remove hunters names from the book. B&C has and does great work for the hunting tradition, on the other hand the very nature of records and score keeping inevitably drives and has created a culture of deception, cheating poaching, etc by individuals who by any nefarious means will go to any length to get their name in the book to further either their ego or their commercial agendas or both. Unfortunately B&C's drive to further legitimize the hunting tradition and conservation agendas through records keeping unfortunately also discredits and stains it's reputation. Personally I think B&C should drop the record book, stop focusing on trophy animals and the glory seeking hunters who kill them and instead have a book recognizing those individuals and groups who really are the drivers of conservation and hunting tradition as opposed to a list of those who happen to be lucky enough or crooked enough to shoot a trophy animal. Stop the score keeping, it is turning our sport into a competition not a tradition.
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