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Old 01-03-2019, 10:00 AM
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Hilgy Hilgy is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Blackfalds AB
Posts: 593
Default How long are you fishing a certain presentation (Ice Fishing)

Looking for some opinions on how long you guys will fish a certain presentation before switching things up? Also when you do switch do you change presentations all together or maybe just change colors of what you are using?

All though I've been fishing hard water for about 5 years now I am still a total rookie. I've built a hard wall shelter so we don't tend to move around a lot in a day especially when the kids are out with me.

We have a cam so we pretty much switch presentations depending on what we see on the cam but when there's nothing moving down there I'm always wondering how long I should stick with a certain lure/bait before making a switch.

As always an info is appreciated

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