Thread: landowner tags
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Old 01-15-2019, 05:28 AM
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pikergolf pikergolf is offline
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Originally Posted by Torkdiesel View Post
What a sad way to view other people’s livelihoods because you want more opportunity for recreation.

And I advocate for all industry in this province, regardless if I have a horse in the show or not. Whether it’s forestry, oil and gas, mining, tourism, trapping, farming or trucking, I want everybody to be able to utilize the resources we have available to us to feed our families.

That’s the difference between us, I care that your family has food on the table and you can provide for them. Never in a million years would I reduce myself to a bottom sucking level where I’d think it was ok to tell somebody “Things change, lots of people’s livelihoods are wiped out every day” and think nothing of it because I want more opportunity to pursue my hobby.

You should be embarrassed! If I ever said something like that my old man would knock the stupid right off my face ! God dam embarrassing to think so lowly of how another man feeds his family with dam hard work!
Good grief you are in love with yourself. Food on the table from a hobby.
“One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”

Thomas Sowell
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