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Old 01-26-2019, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ruffy71 View Post
I'm not clueless about why you would need to push down trees to make good grazing for cows. But thanks for assuming I'm an idiot for not liking how grazing leases are run in this province. My basic point is that grazing leases are treated too similar to private land. You can make investments, improvements, even designate who they will go to if you don't want it anymore. That inevitably leads to strong feelings about access to "your land" er I mean "your lease".

Leases should be natural places that support grazing on their own. If you have to pour hundred and hundreds of hours and lots of money to make it worth grazing.... don't. There should be minimal investment, and that way any one using the lease is not so invested and then angry when other people want a say in how things go on that land.
One of the best posts regarding this subject.
Common sense is so rare these days, that it should be considered a super power.
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