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Old 01-29-2019, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck View Post
No it is Constitutional. You are free to move where you wish under the Charter of Rights, but taxation of income is a shared jurisdiction under the BNA Act.

If you work in the NWT as a non resident, you pay an income tax territorial "surcharge".

Back in the 1980's Alberta used this scheme to tax NHL hockey players who were playing in Edmonton or Calgary from out of Province. You see, even NY Islanders get paid per game played, and they were paying Provincial Income Tax in Alberta. Even Players from Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal had to pay.

SO, why should Alberta pay for the roads, hospitals, policing, environmental monitoring, OH & S enforcement, so another Province's Workers can come here as much as 21 days out of 30, and often even more, and take the tax windfall to their Province?

That is a "royalty" which will get the attention of the other Provinces. Who knows, maybe then Quebec, Ontario, and BC will recognize the value of jobs in Alberta from the Oil Industry.


Yes good idea
I was living in the NWT when they brought this tax in.
Perhaps 20 years ago, if my memory serves correct.
95+ % of all construction was done by workers from southern provinces.

No one even complained, many never noticed I bet.
Much more important for them was wages, hours, accommodations etc...
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