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Old 02-12-2019, 10:12 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by dutch_m View Post
4 ft of ice , with a 10 inch
That must be one hell'va auger , must have lots of power compared to the ION X
I have the Ion X in a 8 inch , and I can honestly say at 4 ft of ice , that is a workout on a electric auger ,
I've been to the lakes in Winnipeg, way up north to some lakes in Saskatchewan,
Some of the toughest thickest ice going

My understanding is , the strikemaster is good for 450 inches of ice to a battery , so at 4 ft of ice , that's like 10 holes befor your battery's is dead

This is the trouble with electric augers , we live in the cold north ,
I've had em all , gas , propane jiffy in a 10 inch , the Ion X

I love the electrics , but I just bought a new Eskimo P1 Rocket in Propane as a back up auger , why
Because the electrics don't have the balls or guts to do a fishing trip with a few guys , let alone 1 guy for a couple days

They great in the shack as no fume , if you only going to drill a few holes

But if you have deep ice , lots of holes and want a 10 inch ,in my opinion then I think propans still the best auger to own ,
Your call to make. I'll use my electric exclusively until the end of this year and likely end up dumping out the gas out of my gas auger. That is my guess. Let's see if it holds true. Punched 20 holes on Saturday through 20 to 22 inches of ice (guess). Still going strong. So your 450 inches of ice doesn't seem to add up. And, I really don't care because it just simply works well and no starting to worry about - it is instant. And this was in very cold temps. I may not have 4 feet to punch through in March but I suspect it will be significant regardless and do just fine. I'll report back though.
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