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Old 02-12-2019, 09:26 PM
Mountain Guy Mountain Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by DOGFISH View Post
Yes I have. My son has one at the fishing shack. Nothing wrong with it other than it stinks and is loud as hell. Cuts good, starts good, not saying throw out a good auger to buy a new one. My old Jiffy was 30+ years old and tired. Was time for a new one and $500 is not bad even if it only last 15 years. I am able to carry it in the cab or store it it the house for security reasons. Each to their own. So far I do not think I will need a spare battery as it has not dropped more than one bar on the indicator during a trip. I bring the charger just in case but have not needed it yet. The guys were not sure about the electric until it drilled the holes in the shack now they are believers in the instant torque and no warm up period.
I don't question the cutting ability or whether there's a need for a spare battery.
i question the life expectancy of these expensive batteries.
Ever notice your fancy cordless tools don't seem to carry a charge like they did when they were new
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