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Old 09-20-2009, 01:36 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by Calgary Dave View Post
Having just picked up a second-hand inflatable and an electric trolling motor I spent the past two weekends boating and fishing (trolling) with the wife and I had no idea that this license applied to my "vessel" as well.

I will get my card immediately but it seems to be another example of bureaucracy at its finest. I've never owned a boat in my life, but I apply "common sense" to my "boating". I carry and wear life jackets, keep the oars on board, and have a "bailer" and signaling device. Yet I can still get a $250 fine for operating my dingy that can't go faster than a person can walk, ....Yet some 19 year old party'er can operate a $60,000, 350 HP inboard speed boat with nothing more than answering a few questions and tick them off on a piece of paper just because he is a renter????? What a joke.
you got it. need a license to run an electric on my canoe, gotta love the government
Shove your masks and your vaccines
Non Compliance!!!!!!
"According to Trudeau, Im an extremist who needs to be dealt with"
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Wheres The Funds

The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
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