Thread: Found Outdoors
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Old 02-20-2019, 12:51 PM
tool tool is offline
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Originally Posted by ghostguy6 View Post
I once spotted something bright pink about 100ft up a pine tree across a coolie with my binos. I couldn't figure out what it was or how it got there so I decided the check it out. Once I got close enough I was able to tell it was a pair or womens underwear. I was miles from any road so I have no idea how it got way up the tree.

I found skeleton still holding onto an old rusted lever action rifle out by Hinton. Police wouldn't let me keep the rifle though. Never did find out what happened.

Lastly I found a unexploded WW2 bomb. Called the police who in tern called the army to send some engineers to blow it up. Engineers said it was likely accidentally dropped during a training mission but not properly armed to detonate on impact. They blew it up on the spot, made a hell of a bang even though they moved me back almost a mile before blowing it.
Haven't you ever heard of the 100' Pine Club?
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