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Old 02-21-2019, 07:05 AM
Weavster Weavster is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 424
Default Her first Lake trout with underwater footage

Well its always an honour to be a part of someones first laker memory. Let alone someone as experienced and pasionate about the outdoors as Lisa. Fortunately for us we have it all captured on film to share.

The fishing was very slow and after I hooked a couple in the morning the pressure was starting to mount on getting Lisa hooked up as we were not marking many fish and the ones we were marking were lethargic. Well her persistence paid off as she managed to hook three lakers before the end of the day! one really nice one that put on an insane fight.

I never noticed till editing the video that we switched rods after the first fish and I got my second one on a pink rod...

I was super excited at how the underwater footage and releases turned out. Look forward to hearing your feedback again and thanks for watching!!
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