Thread: metis info
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Old 03-24-2019, 09:10 PM
270person 270person is offline
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Originally Posted by Jimm View Post
As the currant law is, you would be required to move to a Métis settlement and find a disabled wife to hunt with. In Sept when it changes to linage prior to 1900 let’s do the math, there are approx 34,000 Métis, for numbers sake let’s say 17,000 of them are women, 5250 are too young to marry and 5250 are to old to marry even for a self proclaimed user. That leaves 5250 eligible victims for you to look at. So out of the 17,000 only about 1000 will be able prove pre 1900 in the chosen zones. Now find a disabled victim to marry so you can hunt for out of approx 350 women in the province, might be 2 of them but fill your boots and good luck

I'm not real fussy Jimm and I enjoy a good challenge. Is an electric wheelchair considered a motorized vehicle tho?

As far as the others I mentioned are concerned? They're good to go and chomping at the bit. I don't blame them at all.
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