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Old 05-20-2019, 12:08 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tom Pullings View Post
You couldn’t tell I was joking? [emoji849]

Anyways yeah my actual belief is that whoever is coming down the ramp has first crack at loading. It wouldn’t make sense for you to wait for him to go get setup just because he beached closer.
I knew you were speaking tongue in cheek, but the reality is that some people act this way.

As busy as Cold lake launch gets, and I’ve literally watched one guy take up both ramps for 45min with a $140k boat and a $100k truck in what I can only describe as the most pathetic attempt of loading a boat I have ever witnessed in my entire life, clearly there were quite a few frustrated onlookers, but cool heads prevailed and nobody got ignorant. I have seen patients lost and tempers flare at pigeon and gull on a few occasions. I’m not sure if it’s location or luck that things worked out the way they did, but people seemed more accepting in northern lakes.

I’ve been backing up trailers since I was 16 and respect the unwritten first come first serve rule of boat launches so I’ve never experienced any altercations at the launch.

Have your boat ready before you pull in to the launch lane, have your boat loaded, plug in, straps undone, bow line handy, and a plan for when your boat hits the water so your time at the launch is minimized, this will be appreciated by everyone. If you see someone struggling at the launch, have patience, offer assistance, and remember launching a boat actually can be rocket science for some.
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