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Old 06-07-2019, 01:55 PM
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CBintheNorth CBintheNorth is offline
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Originally Posted by Torkdiesel View Post
Because APOS is the regulatory body, not the government.
I think perhaps you may have misread his comment, because what he said makes perfect sense.
10 years ago, if you wanted to know haw many commercial fishing licenses there were on a lake you phoned Alberta F&W (a gov't office), and they told you.
If you want to know haw many acres are going to be logged in a certain FMU you call Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (a gov't office), and they tell you.
Many more examples of this....

However, if you want to know haw many animals (a public resource) are being allocated to private business you have to ask the business? Makes absolutely zero sense.

We pay taxes of which a portion is used to manage a resource. If we want to know about the management of that resource we should get that info for free from the people we hired to do the job. Simple as that.
There is no reason I should have to play this game with a private company.
I can find out way more info about any gov't awarded contract (including who it was awarded to and for how much) than I can about how many allocations are out there. Something is seriously wrong with that.
And them throwing out FOIPP is laughable. I have asked for no personal information whatsoever, only info about gov't owned property (allocations).

I have emailed a few more people, we'll see what they say...
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