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Old 07-09-2019, 10:42 AM
Marty S Marty S is offline
AO Sponsor
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,482

I really think at this point in the Chinook salmon fishery/etc, we have no choice but desperately need to create a very large number of fish hatcheries on all the river systems.

Many people oppose such an idea, however our fish populations cannot continue to support the mass amounts of commercial indian nets in the rivers plus out of control predator species in addition to native sustenance fisheries, sport fisheries, and commercial fisheries. Oh yes, we can't forget the international commercial fishers with their modern weapons of mass destruction.

Do we want fish or are we too holy?

At this juncture, federal governments won't act to fix the problems, predators, predators and more predators, plus in river commercial annihilation of our spawning stocks, even if they want to, seeming to fear everybody except the sports fisheries.

So we put hatcheries everywhere to ensure commercial fishing continues, sport fishing continues, and so that the natives can also even catch more to their hearts desire, AND IN DOING SO, hopefully more fish make it to the spawning grounds and/or hatchery operations.

What say you?
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