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Old 07-30-2019, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by cody c View Post
Thats it. They don't list it on the government site. Is there a specific latin name for the thing?

Not much for eating I'm guessing, maybe smoked? Would be nice if they listed all the fish a bit better.
Catostomus commersonii is the scientific name for the white sucker. There are a ton of different sub species that you'd mostly find farther south on the Bow. In my spot near Rolling Hills, you can catch around four different sub species of sucker, including the rare quillback.

I know people use them for soup and that some people can them.

Here's Italo on how to process and cook them:

They might be decent table fare near Calgary with the colder waters, but I know I wouldn't touch one in the warm southern waters. They do make great bait, though! Should also mention that they put up a great fight.
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