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Old 07-31-2019, 12:19 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore View Post
I bet stocking channel catfish to 40lbs would get rid of the Prussian carp

But curious.. how far up have Prussian carp made it system wise? And what are actual fishing techniques if your actually targeting them? We use hair rigs for big carp in the Red River MB when i fish there.
Certainly on the RDR right up to the Dickson Dam. Lots of them too. They school. Time will tell if they can get above the dam. Seems physically hard to do but they seem to find a way. Talk about a prolific species.

I used a red san juan worm and it worked great - unbaited. I suspect i fyou tip a maggot on there it would be lights out. They ignored a pheasant tail nymph.

We already have a great predator fishing them. Pelicans. I only went over to the other side the dam to see what 2 pelicans were eating. Once I saw the carp and saw the the carp school, swim higher up, and around the edges. Then I saw one of the same pelicans closer up and it was definitely the carp the one caught and gulped. I don't know if the carp always swim / act this way but for now, they are easy pelican pickings. By an hour later there were 7 pelicans doing the same thing.
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